On the Road Again

I was joking with a friend recently about, “where in the world is Michelle Floyd?” Well let me tell you, in the past three weeks I celebrated my friend’s bachelorette with two stepping in Las Vegas, followed by the wedding in Tucson the following week, flying to a tournament in Aruba, and finishing with a weekend visiting my sister up at Stanford.

Now girls, (this is for the girls 21 and over), I do recommend taking advantage of the promoters who you may meet walking the strip. Originally I would just ignore them, but one of the girls in the group started a conversation and that’s what it led to. We were also given options of free entry to see Nelly perform or Dillon Francis.
If you know me, you also know how much I love country dancing, which made our time spent at Gillies after dinner even more fun. Being from all over the country, I was able to learn new line dances, as well as different versions of songs I already knew. One example of this is the line dance to Sweet Home Alabama, which I learned in Tucson is slightly different to the California version, where there were similar steps with different timings. But let me tell you, I love dancing and learning these versions made it all the more fun.
Following the bachelorette, I spent time with my wonderful great aunt and some of my Vegas family. I had not seen many of them since leaving for Italy so it was great catching up. My great aunt even threw a Dancing with the Stars watch party for many of her friends where the World Record holder for oldest performing showgirl, Doris, who turned 94 that same evening, performed. It was quite a night catching up with family and friends, both old and new.

The following day I drove down to Tucson where I was able to catch up with friends and coaches before the wedding on Saturday. I really missed my Tucson family.
The wedding was absolutely beautiful and I am so happy for my friends. May they have all the happiness in the world!
And early in the morning after the wedding, I drove my car up to Phoenix where I took a flight to Miami and then to Aruba for the South American Championships with my team, Venezuela.
We had a lot of new girls playing this tournament as the team decided to play the 25 and younger players to help the younger softball players get international experience. The team battled and played with a lot of heart, which eventually led us to taking gold! I was also blessed to be named MVP and best pitcher of the tournament, which was a true honor.

Aruba was such a fun experience. The fans at the games had a lot of energy that matched the players. We even had a Venezuela fan bring a trombone that he would play for us in the exciting moments and when everyone was cheering. I believe the main field which was sponsored by Heineken as the whole stadium was painted in the green Heineken is written in. The game balls even had the logo on it! We
even had a dog that kept running onto the field.

There was even a party held at the field after the games where the Aruba softball federation brought in a live band. There was dancing from various teams, officials, and local Arubans that went late into the night. Afterwards we went swimming in the ocean and then bright and early, I was back on a plane to Miami.
With only three days in between, I then hopped in the car with my parents and made the drive up to Stanford to see my sister for the first time since she visited me in Italy. It was great getting to catch up with her and cheer for her as she carried the Stanford flag for the football team’s walk to the stadium, as well as on the field whenever Stanford scored or when running out from the tunnel. She gets to do all of this because she is in a Stanford club called Ax Com, where she is actually the president. This week is currently Big Game week (the Stanford v. Cal game) where she won’t be getting much sleep. Be on the lookout for her carrying the Ax if you see her on TV!

Also, please keep everyone and their animals in California in your prayers. While we were up in Palo Alto, the air quality was awful and there was a thick haze in the air from all the smoke. The same can be said for the air quality down here in southern California. I donated blood yesterday, so if there is anything you can do to help, please do.
In the end, the past three weeks have been an incredible experience where I got to catch up with friends and family, as well as make new friends along the way. Traveling and experiencing new things is one of my favorite things to do and I can’t wait to see where I go next. Thanks for following along!